
Legal desktop in Microsoft Word with templates and productivity tools to help lawyers produce professional, accurate documents more quickly and easily.

Our existing templates and tools integrate with all versions of iManage.

We have also built a plug-in which allows users to fully integrate their VBA-powered templates with iManage Work10 without needing to update the templates.

Unique differentiators/features

Brochet Paste - a tool to repair and restyle legal numbered documents in one pass.

Brochet Coss Reference - simple, fast cross referencing.

Full front and back end profiling with iManage 10.

Integrated precedent library management.

Licensing model:

Annual licence

Target Market:

Law firms


Womble Bond Dickinson, Fieldfisher, Bird&Bird, Pennington Manches, McCann Fitzgerald, Stibbe, Taylor Wessing, Wedlake Bell

iManage Solution:

All versions

Product URL:

Partner information



We’re a small but mighty team of document template experts who global brands and law firms trust to solve their Microsoft Word and PowerPoint documentation problems. Our straightforward, flexible approach puts an end to document disorder; clever tools tailored to your needs put you in the driving seat, with complete control over the output of accurate, compliant, consistently formatted documents.

Rob Simcock