
Stay engaged with other users, partners, and iManage teams to realize the full value of your solutions.

Need to Talk?

We want you to be successful during each step of your iManage journey. As part of that final step of driving change and adoption, we offer a Community Forum for our users, partners, and iManage teams to have a collective space to connect and share best practices.

Drive Change through Shared Experiences

Change can be hard, but it can be more comfortable when you can can share guidance and lessons learned in a trusted community. We facilitate conversations among your colleagues, peers, our partners, and other iManage staff to guide you on that last step of your journey.


Experience the benefit of community

Drive higher adoption and user satisfaction by connecting to others to learn how to remove friction from workflows and increase productivity.

Stay Current and Competitive

Leverage the extensive industry-recognized experience from certified professionals across the iManage Community to initiate the change you want in your organization.

Gain a Clear Path Forward

Different roles need different information to achieve success with their iManage products. Connect with peers to share knowledge and gain the knowledge you need for your individual success.

Raise your brand

Showcase your experiences and best practices with the iManage community, and gain badges and certifications to elevate yourself or your firm as a thought leader.

Watch this video to learn how to access and benefit from our iManage Community.