Workshare Compare Server

Featuring the world’s leading Deltaview™ comparison technology, it’s easier to integrate comparison into automated processes – on premise or in the cloud. Compare Server can be hosted within your organization’s network as an intranet application and reduce applications on the desktop. Or, via a simple API, file comparison can be integrated into your existing enterprise applications and workflows. Once integrated, users can leverage Workshare comparisons from directly within the firm’s own applications making it quick and simple for users to compare documents and see what’s changed.

Unique differentiators/features

Unique Differentiators/Features: Server-based comparison. API-level integration with internal systems. Automatically compare Word-Word, Word-PDF, and PDF-PDF, or link Deltaview comparison technology to your own front-end.

Licensing model:

Per User

Target Market:

Developers / IT / Legal

iManage Solution:


Product URL:

Partner information



Litera is the leading provider of software for drafting, proofreading, comparing, repairing, cleaning, and securing documents in the legal and life sciences industries worldwide. Our core products empower users to generate, review, and distribute high-quality content quickly and securely, from any device. Today, Litera supports thousands of document-intensive organizations across the globe, helping them satisfy the complex demands of clients and regulators.