7 Strategies for Innovative Lawyers

To optimize their successes, law firms and legal departments should implement a technology platform that takes the risk out of making steps forward and helps them bring benefits to the business and its clients.

The window is open, time to act

While significant initiatives are sometimes born out of a need for survival, law firm and legal team execs say that these organizations today need to grab the opportunity for digital innovation and make it a priority at a high level in the business.

ebook: 7 Strategies for Innovative Lawyers

Innovation is essential to keeping pace

Meeting the need to do business virtually has accelerated digital transformation in law firms and corporate law departments. But beyond the immediate need is a business imperative to quicken the pace of innovation to provide a contemporary way of working and servicing clients. 

Recognizing this need, building a culture of innovation, and implementing an agile process for trying things, delivering quick wins, and communicating the benefits of those wins to drive further innovation is essential to keeping pace, remaining competitive, and attracting and retaining the best people.

Learn the seven key observations that surfaced in this enlightening roundtable discussion.

FT Innovative Lawyers Report - Asia-Pacific 2021

A special report on the most future-ready law firms in Asia-Pacific in 2021, plus articles featuring hot topics for lawyers today, including crypto, cross-border deals at a time of tariff wars, and Covid-19.