Ian Raine is Vice President of Product Management at iManage. He has over 25 years of experience in the IT industry, building information governance and records management software products.
Prior to joining iManage he led development and support for Meridio, an Enterprise Document and Records product company and served as CTO at Unibol.
As lockdowns return in autumn 2020, all organisations must consider the complex combination of risks they present.
Though records managers often must maintain boxes of old paper records—in addition to electronic records—they no longer have to forgo modern digital technologies.
iManage will host an informational session at the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) InfoCon 2019.
The systems and tools required for law firms to protect client information are changing dramatically. Today’s modern law firms are moving to implement advanced secure document solutions to address external and internal security threats that meet clients’ security expectations.