
Discover new ways to think about knowledge and how best to activate it inside your organization from iManage experts. 

What is Closing Software?

Closings are a standard part of legal transactions, but that doesn't make them easy. Without the right software, closings can be a lengthy and tedious manual process.

14 May 2018

What is an Electronic Closing Binder?

A closing binder is an important part of most legal transactions. With legal transaction management software, creating electronic closing binders is easy.

26 April 2018

Better transaction management for lawyers

Lawyers and their clients will appreciate the expedited results that iManage Closing Folders legal transaction management software makes possible for a broad range of transactions.

12 April 2018

Data Security for Law Firms: Implementing an Information Security Policy

The systems and tools required for law firms to protect client information are changing dramatically. Today’s modern law firms are moving to implement advanced secure document solutions to address external and internal security threats that meet clients’ security expectations.

Ian Raine
VP of Product Management, iManage
13 February 2018

iManage acquires RAVN systems

Founded in 2010, RAVN has developed an AI platform that can organize, discover and summarize relevant information from large volumes of documents and unstructured data. 

Neil Araujo
CEO and co-founder, iManage
25 May 2017

Co-authoring de-serializes “work”

When iManage became an independent company, we spent hundreds of hours talking to our customers, getting their feedback about what was working and what wasn’t with our Work Product Management products.

Shawn Misquitta
Executive Vice President of Product Management
10 February 2017

ISDA Derivative Contract Data Extraction Using Artificial Intelligence

Today, in response to increasing regulatory requirements, banks and other participants in the OTC derivatives market need to improve their ability to manage counterparty exposures and the corresponding collateral obligations.

Rebecca Tear
11 March 2016

Quickly and easily threading your powershell scripts

When managing and maintaining our client’s Autonomy infrastructures, it’s often beneficial to thread the underlying scripts. 

Rebecca Tear
06 June 2014
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